Adult Group

Why 2ndWind?
Coaching is not simply writing down a workout for someone to do. You can get training programs/workouts almost anywhere from anyone at anytime nowadays. At 2ndWind, we develop and implement workout strategies to help you reach your personally identified goals.
We can tailor a workout to get the most in a given day from the athlete.
We have a variety of workout options to get to the end results.
We know how to modify workouts due to environment or venue changes, mood, health and physical ailments.
We know when to accelerate training or hold it back; on any given day or in any given phase of training.
We can prioritize workouts so that if one (or more) is missed for some reason – overall training is optimized.
We act as a sounding board. Though most people like to think of themselves as being objective, they really aren’t. We can provide perspective and insights gained through experience and knowledge that otherwise one would be blind to.
We can see things in the athlete that they cannot see themselves. This includes things such as their capacity to train, endure and go farther and faster than before.
We are the cheerleader in your corner, celebrating your successes and helping you through tough or disappointing performances.
"Train SMARTER, Not Harder,"
Learn the appropriate pace for each workout. Running too hard will, at worst, put you on the injured list and, at best, make you too tired to do the other key workouts in the week. The key to training smarter is to establish goals and consistently train to achieve those goals. At 2ndWind, we will support, encourage, coach and help you stay on track toward your goals.
S – goals must be Specific
M – training targets should be Measurable
A – goals should be Adjustable
R – goals must be Realistic
T – training targets should be Time based
E – goals should be challenging and Exciting
R – goals should be Recorded
Stay healthy, stay active, and don't just train, train SMARTER with 2ndWind.
For more information about personalized coaching, contact Coach Kao at